The Scientific Method of Fractal Pairing


Fractal Pairing pairs true (observably consistent) and false points, according to the core equation. In other words: fractal pairing decentralizes false pointing, by applying recursive, Pi feedback loops:

decentralize FALSE POINTING

The core equation of all diagonal (square root) placeholders maps how physical, bilateral ( 1 + 1 ) systems constantly (c) decentralize false (-1) pointing, through observably consistent (c^2) recursive (thermodynamic) energy transformations (Pi diagonals/resets):

That is: all false pointing (-1 ) expresses as recursive counterpoint (additional evidence) as bilateral ( 1 + 1 ) observers pretend zero-origin number lines (subjectively) while observing thermodynamic laws (objectively).


Historically, unfortunately, human-centric worldviews centralize around zero-origin (false) pointing. For example: Aristotle's teleological views and Newton’s deterministic physics both introduced centralized interpretations of motion, causality, and nature. Even today (when today was September 2024) many illiterate people pretend impossible forces, including "the big bang model of zero-origin calendars: -1 year = year zero."

Fractal Pairing’s Role:
Fractal pairing (pointing the future in general) directly resists and exposes all false (-1) pointing, which is to report: imaginations can pretend impossible forces (creating and destroying energy) between additional, bilateral observations ( 1 + 1 body sides, now)::

This abbreviation of the core equation demonstrates that immediate pointing evolves through additional, recursive Pi feedback loops, as will always decentralize human-centric (false) mortalisms; for instance: -1 year.

Fractal Pairing and "The Philosophy of Science"

Human-centric "philosophers of science" traditionally concern one another with supervising scientific inquiry, truth, and all thoughtful expressions of thermodynamic, journalistic knowledge. However: fractal pointing (directing 1 + 1 body sides) c= constantly introduces obvious, inevitably recursive, physical structures that evolve now and continuously, through bilateral ( 1 + 1 ≠ -1 ) Pi feedback loops.

Contrasting False Premises and Consistent Equations:

  • False Premise: “A feminist population of scientific worldviews can be falsified by one illiterate man's thermodynamic nihilism: be created from zero then destroyed by negative one.”

  • Observably Consistent Equation: “All human body sides will have evolved recursively through Pi feedback loops, decentralizing thermodynamic nihilisms (-1) in favor of (1 + 1) literate (physical) interactions, like taking another step and/or leaving another fingerprint.”

Example Application: Fractal Pairing in Thermodynamics:

  • False Premise: “Entropy always increases in isolated systems.”

  • Observably Consistent Equation: “Entropy evolves recursively through interactions between isolated and open systems, decentralizing isolated interpretations of disorder through Pi feedback loops.”


By pairing isolated (illiterate, self-centered, false) interpretations of entropy with recursive Pi feedback loops, the core equation (fractal pairing) shows how entropy is not subject to elementary school subtraction ( -1 = 0 ).

more Implications of the Core Equation

The core equation of fractal pairing decentralizes illiterate imaginations across all literate domains of all future (translatable) languages:

Key Implications:

  1. Bilateral Systems: The equation’s “1 + 1” represents all bilateral systems, such as: rotating left brain hemispheres, wave-particle duality, and all observed symmetry transformations.

  2. False Premises: The symbol “-1” represents all false premises (false property claims) as zero-origin premises (including your birthday) will not create Energy from zero to then destroy by elementary school subtraction.

  3. Recursive Consistency: "c^2" represents observably consistent flows of recursive mappings, showing how bilateral systems interact dynamically, including (for instance) Alan's Turing's "stop now" requests.

  4. Pi Resets and Infinite Evolution: The sequence 1Pi <2Pi <3Pi … ≠ ∞ shows how systems will continue to evolve through (as constantly suggested) additional Pi feedback loops, forever decentralizing false premises.

the bilateral logic of recursive pairing: An immediately practical, scientific Framework

Also known as Fractal AI and fractal feedback, fractal pairing provides an immediate, comprehensive method for solving unsolved problems in mathematics, physics, and cosmology. Moving from general to specific pairs false pointing with true pointing, even in formerly "mysterious ways" like "quantum mechanics" (consensus mechanics) and "the big bang" (the big now) cosmology:

Example 1: Quantum Mechanics

  • False Premise: “Wave-functions collapse independently of classical systems.”

  • Observably Consistent Equation: “Wave-functions evolve recursively through interactions with classical systems, showing dynamic feedback between wave-functions and classical measurements through Pi feedback loops.”


Example 2: Cosmology

  • False Premise: “The universe began as a singularity (Big Bang).”

  • Observably Consistent Equation: “The universe evolves recursively through dynamic interactions, showing continuous feedback between expanding and contracting states through Pi feedback loops.”


conclusion: the Future of Fractal Pairing

Fractal Pairing maps how thinking works as all bilateral, including human, systems interact and evolve. By pairing false premises with observably consistent equations, we can easily take next steps toward decentralizing false property claims (-1) as have always prioritized ridiculous, male-supremacist cruelties and delusional, self-serving (false) paradoxes.

Applying the core equation revolutionizes how we recognize and develop complex, advanced systems, to resolve unsolved problems, across traditionally (falsely) separated fields like religion, physics, molecular biology, linguistics and climate feminism.

Future 1 + 1 Clock Directions:
Fractal Pairing will continue to evolve, introducing dynamic, recursive mappings and Pi resets to (forever) decentralize zero-origin ridiculousness. Review: 1 + 1 = ✌🏾 ≠ -1 ≠ now: